
EnergyTouch and Taxes.

"One of these things does not belong here, one of these things just isn't the same...."

Yesterday was a good day. Zander and I went to an antique shop that I have been wanting to check out for quite a while. I found an amazing 1970's vintage dress, a I Love Lucy licence plate for Cassie (because she loves Lucy and because she signed on her first two people in XanGo and I'm really proud of her), and a fun playing card set that has never been opened but has fun 70's mushrooms all over them. LOVE!

From there we went grocery shopping - Zander's favorite...yea right. I had just enough time to get home, make some lunch and then leave again to head down to my EnergyTouch session. This was my third session in this building/school and the first time with a year two student. All the other ones have been year one. The year ones have been amazing, but there were definite notable differences in this. For those of you who do not know, EnergyTouch is a way of healing and communicating with our energy fields on the cellular level. Check it out:  

The EnergyTouch healer is trained to:
    • Work with disease and illness on a cellular level
    • Access outer level tools and energies
    • Work with diseased cells on the DNA level
    • Pull viruses on the RNA level
    • Move effortlessly between levels of the field
    • Change the physiology of organs in the physical body
    • Work off the body by means of the Hologram
    • Release belief systems that no longer serve
    • Work with the earth grids, universal grids, plants & animals
    • Connect with their “Higher Self” Spiritual Guide and Guardian Angel
    • Give their client the skills to deal with the emotional issues that can be the root cause of many diseases and illnesses.
    • Believe!
This is not just for anyone, though. I really think that you have to be willing to accept this gift in order to receive it. There are a lot of people who might read this and think it's simply crazy. And that's OK - this is obviously not for you. For me, though, this stuff is very real. The energy I see and work with on a daily basis is very real, so why would I not believe for a second that someone trained and in tune with their abilities could heal and transform themselves and others through this gift? I feel blessed to have found this foundation and to have been given the opportunity to explore these realms, heal and transform myself. Every time I leave I feel new. I feel recharged and inspired, clear and motivated. Physically I feel more aligned and alive, I am in touch with my natural vibration and pulsation within this living realm. It's pure magic.

So, after this amazing experience with my EnergyTouch session (which I'm purposely not sharing details about because they are personal to me right now and I am still processing everything), Cassie and I had a tax class to go to to learn all about what is and isn't OK to write off, how to keep records, etc. It was an interesting exchange to go from deep spiritual work to taxes, but I really think it actually helped clear the way for it all to be well absorbed and better understood by me. It was a GREAT class and I really did learn a lot. It makes me all the more excited to continue on the path that I am on and to do everything right right from the start. 

Overall, it was a great day. I had a couple of bumps in the road, but that's to be expected as a mother of three. I have decided that there are two new rules of the house, though. 1. Leave me alone until at least 10 minutes after I get home. I find that I am bombarded with requests for my attention and sometimes step into a negative or high stress situation and it puts me in a state of mind of uncontrollable anger and aggression. I have always wondered why I could be outside of my home and feel SO happy and well adjusted, almost (and sometimes) high on life and then the second I walk in my house that all disappears and I instantly feel resentment and anger.  I only recently realized that maybe if I ask for some space when I get home that maybe I could take some time to adjust first. 2.) Do not come in my bedroom unless it is an emergency. I need my alone time to process, meditate and RELAX. We'll see how those go. 

Today I am thankful for:
Spring. Even though it is cold outside, I can smell you. I know you are right around the corner and I am embracing you with open arms and an even more open heart.

Mentally I feel:
Pretty good!! I've been feeling well adjusted, catching myself faster and faster when I begin to back slide and overall I am just happy and excited for each day!

Physically I feel:
Also pretty good. After my session with my healer especially. I feel like I am much straighter and able to sit up correctly without nearly as much discomfort.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the value of the cellular memory release. Keep up with those, too, and you'll find that your field stays expanded more easily even in those pile-on times.