
I'm coming ALIVE!

Even though I can feel summer leaving us, I am feeling a awaking within me. Something about when the kids go back to school that makes me feel freer. Even though I still have Zander to deal with (and trust me, he's PLENTY), there is still such a sense of relief when I get a part of my day where I only need to make ONE person happy. I'm beginning to refocus myself into the business and the things that make me happiest. I've even been making jewelry again, which feels really good.

Tomorrow I go to an all day workshop to attain my level 1 Reiki training. I've recently met a woman who I feel was sent to me and I have been given the opportunity to become a Reiki Master under her. I think that this will not only be another really great service that I can provide my community and especially the pregnant and laboring mothers that I am working with, but, I really think that it will be good for me and my own personal well being. I'm truly looking forward to this new beginning. 


Jessica said...

I really love the necklace in the middle.

Juliea said...

Thanks! <3